A large number of JD(U) workers today protested the resignation of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, demanding he should again be elected leader of the JD(U) legislative party, to facilitate his continuance of Chief Minister of the state. A large number of party workers reached near the CM residence and raised slogans demanding continuance of Mr Kumar as Chief Minister of Bihar.They also gheraoed the vehicle of JD(U) president Sharad Yadav who was going to CM residence and vehemently protested the resignation of Mr Kumar. JD(U) workers also protested before several ministers and legislators on the issue against the backdrop of resignation of Chief Minister Mr Kumar.Reports of similar protest also poured into from other parts of the state. Reports said that workers were of the opinion that development in all sectors took place at rapid pace under the leadership of Mr Kumar and there was no question of accepting any one else for the top post of the Bihar. UNI KKS/RD 1539 NNNN -- (UNI) -- 18CA10.xml

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