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Last week��s coup follows the same pattern as the military��s ousting of Thaksin in 2006. WikiLeaks cables later revealed that US ambassador Ralph Boyce had been briefed about the military takeover several weeks in advance and had given the nod of approval. Both sides understood there would be cosmetic US aid cuts. However,, US funding continued for law enforcement,the Qatargas CEO said,ray ban outlet, counterterrorism and non-proliferation programs. Thailand kept its preferential treatment as a major non-NATO ally and the joint Cobra Gold military exercises,cheap ray bans, one of the world��s largest,, went ahead as planned in 2007 under the junta. The Obama administration undoubtedly gave the green light for the latest coup as the Bush administration did in 2006.

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A large number of JD(U) workers today protested the resignation of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, demanding he should again be elected leader of the JD(U) legislative party, to facilitate his continuance of Chief Minister of the state. A large number of party workers reached near the CM residence and raised slogans demanding continuance of Mr Kumar as Chief Minister of Bihar.They also gheraoed the vehicle of JD(U) president Sharad Yadav who was going to CM residence and vehemently protested the resignation of Mr Kumar. JD(U) workers also protested before several ministers and legislators on the issue against the backdrop of resignation of Chief Minister Mr Kumar.Reports of similar protest also poured into from other parts of the state. Reports said that workers were of the opinion that development in all sectors took place at rapid pace under the leadership of Mr Kumar and there was no question of accepting any one else for the top post of the Bihar. UNI KKS/RD 1539 NNNN -- (UNI) -- 18CA10.xml

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TRINIDAD: West Indies off spinner Sunil Narine has opted to play in the Indian Premier League (IPL) final and as a result will miss the forthcoming Tests against New Zealand,, the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) said on Friday.Narine wanted to play for Kolkata Knight Riders in Sunday s IPL 2014 final,ray ban outlet, and as a result missed the WICB s June 1 deadline for joining the Windies preparatory camp.The WICB said that the 26-year-old will now not be considered for home Tests against New Zealand on June 8 and 30.WICB Director of Cricket Richard Pybus said that under recent guidelines players must make themselves available for team preparations in order to be considered for Tests. The onus of the WICB is to protect the integrity of international cricket at all times,coach factory outlet,employment growing at a record rate, said Pybus. International cricket,as well as turned-based battles that Japanese role-playing-game, and specifically Test cricket,gen18831, is priority and requires dedicated preparation which is integral to team success. The WICB policy requires players to commit to sufficient preparation leading in to a series as part of a culture of excellence. Narine will however be considered for selection for two Twenty20 Internationals against New Zealand on July 5 and 6 in Dominica,fake uggs,reports, the WICB said.Agencies

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