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Al Ain: The Criminal Court in Al Ain sentenced an Asian national in his thirties to death on Wednesday over killing an Asian man and mutilating his body. He reportedly killed the victim over a financial dispute of Dhs5,coach outlet store online,000. He stabbed him till death,www.smalldetails.net/toms.html, then cut the body into pieces which were bagged and dumped in gthe arbage,cheap toms, the court said.The verdict came after the victim s family refused to waive and demanded retribution. The convict confessed to the murder. He lured the victim to his accommodation,www.iss4thgrade.org/cheapmichaelkors.html, where he killed him with a knife after the second refused to pay back the money he owed to the killer. The convict not only killed the victim but mangled his body by cutting it into parts to conceal the crime.The crime dates back to last September,Asia Floor Wage Alliance.,www.aimer-resister.net/uggs.html, when a worker at a factory for recycling waste found the body parts of a man in plastic bags amid the garbage. The police were summoned and the investigations were initiated. The victim was identified through blood testing and the DNA,cheap ray bans,and we ll do that and get ready for Monday., which matched the data on the ID database. This led the police to tracking his mobile number,coach outlet online, which was traced,Updated,http://www.aimer-resister.net/uggs.html,In Baku, to find a number of phone conversations between him and the killer about financial differences.

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